Channel: Simon Miller
Category: Entertainment
Tags: gym reactionsimon miller reactsreactionsimon miller gym fails reactiongym fails 2022gym fails compilationsimon miller ups and downsgym fails reactiongym failssimon miller whatculturesimon miller gym failssimon miller reactionsimon miller gymsimon millersssniperwolfsimon miller fitness
Description: Subscribe: Twitter/Instagram: @SimonMiller316 Get Your Gorilla Mode supps here: Use code SIMON for 10% off at all times! YOU NEED A SPINE! It's really important and without one you're gonna be a sad panda... and won't be going to the gym anymore! #GymFails #GymFailsReaction #SimonMiller Cameo! Patreon! Power13 Cookbook today! Use the code SIMON15 for 15% off: MERCH: Watch more videos!: About Simon Miller: Simon Miller brings you a YouTube channel where you will learn about THE TRUTH when it comes to fitness, the gym and working out. Along the way you may also get some wrestling, vlogs, mental health, video games, reactions, music and movie chat. You just never know... Designed to give you a look into the brain of Simon Miller – who is also a feature over on WhatCulture Wrestling where he hosts Ups and Downs as well as the Why series - give the channel a subscribe if you just want a daily dose of fitness, nonsense and entertainment.